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Circle Careers

As a growing company, Circle frequently hires new employees and searches for talented individuals. With the shift to remote work, alterations to employer branding that spotlighted Circle's global employee base and diverse hiring goals was in order, including a redesign of Circle's career page hero image, share card, and social media graphics.

Creative Exploration

The original design for included a handful of employee portraits with brand colors and illustrations. The initial ask included making space for more portraits as the company grows and imagery that related to remote hiring. In this vein, a variety of globe visuals were explored as well as heroes that highlighted employee images.

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After team presentations and discussion, the line map was chosen as a favorite concept. Further careers page branding therefore iterated on this map, including share images with and without employee portraits and LinkedIn announcements in varying layouts. Throughout this process Circle branding was thoughtfully maintained, utilizing image styles and gradients.

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Design Solutions

Circle's careers site highlights its global, diverse employee base while inviting remote workers to join an innovative, rapidly-growing organization. The hero design demonstrates Circle's worldwide remote-first workplace in a visually interesting way, while circular treated employee portraits carried over from previous designs illustrate the human connection still present online at Circle. Many portraits appear all over the map, fulfilling the initial ask to include more employee images on the page. Circle branding was likewise maintained through the use of gradient styles and image treatments.


New hire announcements on LinkedIn were updated to further integrate careers-related branding material and promote a remote-first, connected workplace environment on multiple platforms. New hire portraits were placed directly on the map background to demonstrate the global environment most directly while maintaining the readability of previous versions with blurred backgrounds and bold text.

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Supplementary graphics for the webpage included the pages's share image and a hero GIF for weekly internal talent emails containing company new hire announcements. Dots using Circle's gradient style were used to eliminate the need for frequent updates and to compliment the gradient stroke treatment of the portraits on the webpage.

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